Birthday Reflections

Another year, 365 days of experiences. Filled with life, love, BDSM, swimming, running on the beach, introducing newbies to domination and exploring Australia. 

What new experiences would I like to invite into my life this year? 

In the BDSM realm I’m considering booking a session with another Dominatrix to experience being on the other side of the ropes, literally. I have to admit rope bondage is not my strongest side and that’s something I’d like to change this year.

When it comes to my inner explorer, I’d love to learn how to sail and travel around the Whitsundays. Technically speaking, another thing including ropes. A trip without any work for once. Something I rarely do.

Speaking of work trips, I would like to tour places I haven’t toured before in Australia. High on that list is Hobart. This time I’m planning a half work, half experience trip and looking at dates around Dark Mofo. 

In the physical realm, I’d love to add regular martial arts classes onto my yoga, strength training, running and swimming regimen. I am also keen on burlesque classes. 

Trying new cuisine and restaurants, while also cooking more at home is another desire I have for the new year. Since my body decided to become lactose intolerant in my mid twenties, followed by gluten intolerant a couple years later, I will need to find food suitable to my sensitivities.

I’m looking forward to continuing designing my life as best suited for me. Filled with new experiences and continual improvement of my craft.